Sunday, May 25, 2008

RSS and Newsreaders

O.K. I just signed up at and added my 3 feeds and I'm quite impressed! When you use the quick pick subscriptions it's very easy. The quick pick gives a variety of different subjects to pick from and the website puts it into one easy location (that's what it's supposed to do, right?) This exercise has introduced me to websites and blogs that I never would have discovered on my own!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Interesting technology

I LOVE websites that allow me to share my photos (almost instantly) with friends and family all over the world. Not only can I share my photos with these people but I can see their photos as well. This lets me catch up on my niece and nephew in other states and lets my brother-in-law serving in Iraq see what's going on with us here at home. The best part is we don't have to wait for the postal system to deliver (or lose) our pictures. Everyone just has to log in to see what's going on when it's convenient for them!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blogging in the library

How do I think that blogging will be used in libraries?

I think that in the future blogging will be most used to document things like library expansion projects, book discussion groups, reader's advisory and ongoing programs that the library system puts on.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How I feel about the 7 1/2 habits of successful lifelong learners

I think the most difficult part of the habits to follow will be habit number three (View problems as challenges) and I think it all depends on the type of person you are. For me this habit will force me to look at challenges in a different light. It will make me stop and think about things instead of getting frustrated and giving up. This however may be a blessing in disguise :-)